Garaget International - A Podcast with Magnus Sundemo

In this episode you will meet Alain Visser, the CEO of Lynk&Co

Lynk&Co has just announced and revealed their new concept of joining their community and be member of the Lynk&Co club.

They call it a streaming mobility service. A very different way of offer a mobility services for a car company.

Has this concept the power to pave the way for a very different way how to consume mobility? Can it possible reform the whole automotive industry?

Welcome to Garaget International!

Direct download: Alain_Visser_2020_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:45am EST

In this episode you will meet Håkan Samuelsson, the CEO of Volvo Cars since 2012.

We talk about the corona pandemic and how it has hurt the business but also how it has accelerated the transformation of Volvo Cars to become a true premium electric car company.

An organisation with aspiration to adapt to new customer behaviours and find ways to buy and use mobility services.

An organisation that want to attract talents and people with ambition to make a difference towards a true sustainable mobility company.

We also touch on the merger between Volvo Cars and Geely Auto and possible consequences for Volvo Cars as an independent company.

Direct download: Hakan_Samuelsson_2020_SEPT.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:34am EST

In this episode you will meet Håkan Matson and Frederic Cho.

Håkan is one of Sweden’s most well-known automotive journalists and co-writer to the book “Volvos revanche – How the tiger was unleashed”. Frederic is an eminent Chinese experts and business advisors in Sweden with more than 30 years business experience from China, Taiwan and Hong Kong and also writer to book “China according to Cho” and my contribution as host is as writer of the book “The truth about Volvo”.

We talk and reflect about the exiting story of Volvo Cars since Geely's acquisition 10 years ago and what the recipe has been for the success. We also discuss the situation today and what the future might bring.

Welcome to Garaget International!

Direct download: Hakan_Frederic_podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:30am EST

In this episode you will meet Stefan Rosen. SVP for Lynk&Co design heading an office with nearly 400 coworkers at Lindholmen in Gothenburg. 

Stefan and I have a long history together at Volvo Cars but this time we focus on his thoughts about creating design and values for a  new mobility brand – Lynk&Co. A global blend and brand with roots both in west and east.

Welcome to Garaget International!

Direct download: Stefan_Rosen.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:19am EST

In this episode you will meet Alexander Murdzevski. He is head of Geely Group Motorsport and lead the Team to the victory of the Word Touring Car Cup 2019 with the Lynk&Co "zero-three" car sport sedan car.

We talk about racing, what it takes to win a global motor cup and about the network within the Geely family that made it possible. And if Lotus or Polestar  will enter formula racing backed by Geely motorsport.

Welcome to Garaget International!

Direct download: Alexander_Murdzevski.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:08am EST

In this episode you will meet Hans Oscarsson. We know each other since many years together at Volvo Cars but now Hans is in a new role as CEO for Geely Sweden Holdings AB since august 2019. 

We talk about his role to oversee all Geely's investments in the Nordic countries. They have a strong impact on Sweden but an even bigger influence of the city of Gothenburg.

Welcome to Garaget International! 

Direct download: Hans_Oscarsson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:59pm EST